This will be one of those posts.
It's lame and frankly I don't care. It's 10:08 PM and all of my friends have stopped talking to me. So its time for me to stop avoiding this shit and actually do what I semi do best and that is: blog. Actually - scratch that - I really suck at this. But I'll just keep on keepin' on.
So to start all this jazz, here you go. A list of things about me:
- The sound of people filing their nails creeps me out. I literally walk out of the room when someone whips one out.
- I'm awesome at making collages. It's my only artistic ability.
- Mallory Austin Colbert is my best friend. We buy CD's together.
- I've already ran out of things to say about myself.
- When I get home I instantly take my pants off...and then proceed to put on more comfortable ones.
- My music is best music.
- I will one day get Nicole Gausch to love Tyler Hilton.
- I read Avatar: The Last Airbender Fanfiction when I'm bored.
- I read Texts From Last Night when I can't sleep at night.
- I stalk everyone. And by everyone I mean, friends, teachers, friends of friends, and basically anyone who has an interesting profile picture.
- I'm taking Chinese next year and I can barely pass Spanish.
- I draw more pictures in my journal than I do write in it. #ihavenofeelingstowriteabout #hencethisblogpost
- Popping pimples is my greatest past time.
- I'd rather lie on my floor than sit at my desk.
- My job is really boring and I haven't even started working yet.
- There's a chair in my room, but I can't sit in it because 99.9% of the time there's clothes in it that I'm too lazy to put up. This chair costs over $1000 and it's being used to hold my clothes...
- Going to bed before midnight is not possible for me.
- I'm a natural blond.
- My hair was red for about three months in the seventh grade.
- I've listened to 'Friday' more than I probably should have.
- I have a fear that when I'm driving down the road at night there's always a car behind me with their headlights turned off and they're about to murder me.
- I was actually the Original Gangsta and every morning I wake up feeling like P. Diddy.
- I'm white.
- I have this squishy pillow that I sleep with every night.
- There's too much Drake Bell on my iPod for my liking.
- I'm ending this on a random number because I'm that predictable.
- Three is my favorite number.
- I REALLY want to meet Morgan Freeman.
[I did not buy these because I'm a hipster. I bought them because I am truly blind.]