Over the past two weeks my friends and I (I dropped out of the planning process the first night) have been planning this thing we like to call Dare Night. Basically there are three teams, each member of each team gets three dares, everyone gets a bonus dare that puts them out of their comfort zone. ie: go streaking, roller blade through the mall.
We all met up at Mal's house, got our dares, and, well, left to go do them. My team was the amazing Taylor annnnnnnnd this guy:
He thinks I hate him. *long silence* I don't.
Annnnyway, my dares were to follow someone around in a store and put everything they buy into your basket. Turned into me walking around Lowes Foods for thirty minutes following around a lady in a leather jacket that looked like my digital media teacher. Eat blue cheese. Gross. Bonus points if you eat an anchovies. PROJECTILE VOMIT. Drive by mosh (if you don't know what that is, YouTube it). And give an interview with a stranger. I found a black man named Billy and , no, he does not think Mr. Belding and Zack Morris will ever start a relationship.
Oh yeah.
There are more pictures and videos from Dare Night, but I don't want to have to deal with the pictures right now.
In the end, we have no idea who won, because we're a bunch of teenagers that can't keep score of anything. #butwewon
HASHTAG!!! DARENIGHT!!! #ilovechloe