Thursday, June 2, 2011

And We're Back

Chicks and gents, I'd like to welcome you back to The GetUp Kid. As you can tell, some changes have been made. Mostly E V E R Y T H I N G. I figured it was time for you guys to see something new, so I sat down and thought really hard about this. Well, not really. I had to spend my time at work doing something.

I wish I could say I've been thinking long and hard about my return to Blogger, but honestly I've just been playing Zelda. I FUCKING love Zelda.

Fuck you guys. I'm in love with a fictional character.

But while I was busy playing Zelda I did decide on a few new things for when I finally did make my return.

[insert list]
  1. I'm going to start using the word 'fuck' more. Why? Because I fucking want to. And if you don't like it then you can go...well, you know.
  2. I'm going to start talking about more controversial topics. Like my favorite: religion. Which will be coming soon to a computer near you.
  3. More hilarious pictures.
  4. I'll try not to talk about my boring job and instead talk about how I'm avoiding work. #whatwork?
  5. It's summer break. Which means: more blog posting and more Nintendo playing. And if you don't like my rambling of Super Mario and Zelda then you, sir, can just leave.
  6. I'm going to find something that makes this blog oRiGiNaL instead of just talking about my week and my nonexistent social life. I want something that I can do weekly and will be so awesome/cool that your eyes bleed.
  7. Music is the art of conversation, bitches.
  8. I'm going to say what's on my mind. I always feel as if I'm censoring myself and this is really the last place to do that.
  9. I want to meet more internet friends. Which I know that about three, maybe four, people read this blog, but COME ON. I can't stay obsessed with Nicole Gausch forever. #yesican
  10. Videos? Maybe. Mallory and I want to start a YouTube channel and become famous. Hopefully that will happen this summer.
Speaking of Mallory, here's her new blog: I have a feeling it's going to be better than mine and I'll get so discouraged that I'll just quit and never come back to Blogger. Why? Because Mallory is simply better than me. And yes, I know for a fact Mallory is sitting at home, on her bed or chair, smiling at the computer with her mouth wide open and screaming "YES!" I can just picture it. But, here it is anyway. And just like that all of my followers leave.

What's that? You won't leave? Yeah, you're all fucking liars.

But if you do stay here's an insight to what's to come:

And if you don't understand this picture it simply means: ass-kicking


  1. I love you, dude.
    While reading my entire paragraph my mouth was agape with a smile.
    You know me so well.

    And thank you.

    I can still be humble even if I'm better than you :)

    P.S. LOLOLOLOL to the 'ass-kicking'

  2. One day I will be better than both you and Mallory combined. Just wait. It's coming.

  3. Also, I enjoy your changes. Well done.
