Friday, December 31, 2010

Here's to the New Year

I know it's kind of lame to do this, but come on, it's New Year's Eve. I'll only get this chance once a year. And we all know I'll do anything to make a list out of something. This year, to sound as less cheesy as possible, has been one of the best, literally. So here it is, a list of everything great that has happened to me in the year of 2010:

1. It's really no surprise that The Fluff War would be number one. But REALLY, why wouldn't you put this great war at the top of the list? I just never thought that sticking a broken jar of fluff in someones mailbox would suck me into this thing. It started as just a small strife where we delivered the jar to the other team, but now we're building things and making plans that need to have back-up plans and we have traitors and teachers that want to know what we're gonna do next. This reminds me, I need to do a fluff update.

2. Is it lame to put my friends as number two? Oh well, it's the truth. Becoming friends with Mallory and Taylor was probably one of the coolest things to happen to me. WOW, that sounded lame. But I remember the day Taylor and I became best friends. We were driving home from Elizabeth's Pizza and we had just shared secrets. I believe April 10 will be our one year anniversary of meeting each other. She stole my hoodie the first day I met her and we played Red Rover with about 20 other people. Sometimes she's my therapist and sometimes she's annoying the hell out of me. Together we go see crappy movies, get lost in Horneytown, go see Tyler Hilton, and about a million other things that are too much to name. Now I must speak about the ginger that brightens up my day. Joke. I secretly hate her. I can't remember the day we became best friends, but I feel like it was in the Creekside Parking lot. She's my Algebra buddy, my teammate, my Taco Bell friend. She spends more time at my house than her own. She made me obsessed with comics and I made her fall in love with One Tree Hill. Bob Lablaw was our first inside joke. Barnes & Noble, angry black chick, floating cars, fluff, Taco Bell, and watching movie trailers but never going to see the actual movie is our whole friendship. And this summer, WE WILL GO TO BREVARD!

3. Fables. If you don't read comic books and have no desire to ever pick this one up then I suggest you just keep scrolling down. Mallory let me borrow this comic a few months back and I instantly fell in love with it. It's basically all your favorite fables (Snow White, Big Bad Wolf, Prince Charming, Cinderella, Boy Blue) mixed into the rest of the world and kicking ass. This book is the reason why I love comics now. So thanks, Mallory.

4. Is it really no surprise that Nicole's name would be on here? It sounds creepy to say that you're one of the best things that's happened to me this year. But you're kind of the coolest person I've met without actually meeting you. Really I only put you on this list so someone would talk to me. But ONE DAY we will have a naked fairy bathroom together.

5. This one's kind of cheating since I started watching this show in 2009. But One Tree Hill is really the greatest show on television. That might be a lie, but who cares. If it wasn't for this show there would be very little music on my iPod. Really, the music is THAT good. If I had never started watching this show I wouldn't have Tyler Hilton, James Lafferty, Damien Rice, or The Get Up Kids in my life.

6. Fight Club. Greatest. Movie. Ever.

7. November 3, 2010 is still the greatest day of my life. Why? TYLER HILTON IS WHY! To not sound like a creepy fan is about impossible right now. I HUGGED HIM FOR GODS SAKE! And I did embarrass myself when the strange noise left my mouth whenever I shook his hand. Though he did think I was badass when I showed him the list of songs I sent Taylor everyday before the concert. TYLER HILTON THINKS I'M BADASS. And besides, how do you not love that face, Nicole? 8. Looking for Alaska. Really I should just leave you that title and let you figure it out on your own. But I can't and here's why. If you've never read this book then you're totally missing out on a little thing called life. I'm not saying all of this because it's my favorite book or because I want you to see it like I do. I'm telling you this because this book is about life, and death, and friendship, and all the things that can happen to us in such a short life. When I read this book I can see the expressions and bufriedos and the cigarette between the fingers of a girl who's too damaged to realize it. I see a boy who struggles to accept his feelings for the girl who doesn't love him back and tries to find the answers in something we've all forgotten about: religion. I see two friends coping with a great loss and questions that seemed to never be answered. I see the intensity behind each prank they pull and how the plan for the greatest prank ever is the only thing that makes sense to them. John Green is a mastermind because only this man could put together tragedy and humor on the same page. Really, if you haven't read this book you certainly should.

9. I've said this before, but if you STILL haven't heard of James Lafferty you're dead to me. I mean, just look at this man:10. Almost Everything I Wish I'd Said the Last Time I Saw You by WAKEY!WAKEY! Possibly the longest title for an album ever, but still a great album. I was with Mallory when I spent my gas money on this album in a city thirty minutes away from home. We thankfully didn't break down and get mugged. Buying this album was probably the greatest thing I ever did. Have you ever seen a CD in a store and want it so bad that you can't stop thinking about no matter how far you walk away from it? Yeah, that's how I feel about this album. Two more things I love about this band is that the lead singer was on One Tree Hill and his last name is Grubbs.

11. My furry mountain hat. It's probably made me the coolest kid in school...lie.

12. CAMILLLLLAAA. It only makes sense to Mallory.

Well, there you have it folks. The 12 things that has made 2010 truly great. Oh, and this video.

Predictions for next year?

  1. Eat Taco Bell
  2. Not fail at life (that one might be difficult)
  3. Take mini road trips.
  5. Eat more Taco Bell.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Human Centipede







I am not ashamed to admit that I married JOSIAHHHHH. :D

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Mallory and Taylor have been been bugging me about not blogging and it's been bothering me about how it's been a WHOLE WEEK since my last one, so here I am. I feel like I can't write a complete post without making a list. I also feel like I can't think of a complete thought without starting another one.

Anyway, here's my week: Monday, we had a two hour delay (I think. Honestly, I can't remember), I didn't get to see my black brother, and Mallory's parent took me out to eat at Mellow Mushroom where I found out that they're actually pretty cool. Tuesday, ....I don't remember. Wednesday, Mal and I went to Barnes & Noble where we worked on fluff stuff and I 'found' pot stickers. Thursday, school was closed because of the awful blizzard that rolled through the night before:

My school is dumb. But it gave me time to watch The Office. Friday, school was closed again because of ice. So what do you do when school's closed? Get up at 8AM and drive 30 minutes to a town you've only been to once in your life and fluff the other half of Team TD:

Don't worry, she got them down afterwards. On our way back home, Taylor texted us and so we dropped by and kidnapped her for the day. After driving to Target, the wonderful mall, Edward McKay's, Wendy's, Starbucks, and Best Buy we were finally done shopping for Mallory's parents. Now it's time for Taylor and I to shop for ours. Which will be another story on Sunday, but one that I can't share with all you inter-webbers.

Now to fill out this post that none of you care about here are some pictures:

This is one of Taylor's previous fluffs. It's comfy.


One more thought. What should I blog about? I'm drawing blanks. Nicole?

Oh, and thanks to Mallory and Taylor for blogging for me while I was on my 'week without technology'. They were kewl.

Friday, December 10, 2010


I've missed you! I'm sorry for leaving, but as you've read below, I kind of had to. I'll explain all of that in a bit. In other news, I would like to welcome myself back by saying cheers (raise glass of grape juice) to me.

Now, since technology has (kind of) been out of my life for the week let me share with you all my thoughts and adventures.

1. Taylor's right. I did cheat.
• I'm just too addicted. An addict has to WANT to quit something. I didn't want to quit technology. "I wish I knew how to quit you." Notice the Brokeback Mountain reference. Anyway, as Taylor said, if you go the week without technology my Journalism teacher will buy you breakfast. Since I cheated and she found out I didn't get it. What she doesn’t know is that after everyone was done, my friend and I went in the next room and ate all the leftovers. Who the fuck gives donuts as a free breakfast? I'm glad I lost. That's a shitty breakfast.

• He's Black! I'm sorry, you probably don't understand. I just started Big Brother Big Sister. Clear? We talked about his 5th grade girlfriend and how he's too young to marry her, but maybe one day when he's not so stressed out. He also likes Avatar: The Last Airbender and can walk on his hands. If this girl doesn't want him, I do.

3. Mallory got a job.
• While I on the other hand I'm going through the stressful and depressing process of trying to find a job. Mallory, I'm happy for you. I hope you have fun over there on the dark side (aka Kristine West).

4. Mallory also got her car back.
• Now I miss our car rides to school and Taco Bell together. But not the money I wasted in gas from taking you home.

5. Dear kid in my Foods class,
• Please stop wearing sweatpants EVERYDAY and talking to me AS SOON as I open my book.

6. I taught my English class about Transcendentalism.
• I actually read off a PowerPoint.

7. I suck at taking tests.
• Which would explain my D average in Algebra II

8. Into the Wild is a good book.
• I read it in a week and now I want to go to Alaska to see the bus.

9. McDonald's hot chocolate is super tasty.

10. I went to Barnes & Noble with Diamond Dicks (her name's really Crystal), Kayla, and Mallory and we read Ispy books.

11. I went to my old daycare teacher's house where he gave me a Canadian flag and tickets to a Beatles tribute concert. FUCK YEAH.

12. Nicole Gausch, I miss you.
• You shouldn't be this far down on the list.

13. While on my week of cheating on technology, I basically stalked Comme Un Patron's blog.
• Sara and Alex are two funny ladies and their pictures are kickass.

14. Mallory punched me in the face.
• Literally punched me. When I said "Mallory, punch me in the face." I didn't expect her to actually do it. This is the second time I've been hit in the face. Both of them have been by my best friends.

15. I'm officially going to start writing a book about the Fluff War and my life.
• Well, actually Mallory won't shut up about it until I do it.


17. Mallory and I have decided that when my book gets made into a movie our intro song is going to be Girl is on my Mind by The Black Keys.
• The actors that play us will also be riding in the car as I jump over curves and almost kill us while the song is playing.

Now as for the rest of my Friday night, it's going to be spent watching Nikita and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chloe is Dead?

Yeah, her face is really in there somewhere

First of all, let's have a proper introduction. My name is Mallory and I'm filling in for Chloe. Currently, I am a junior in high school, and a carhop at 'Sonic Drive-In', as well as a BAMF. When I'm not badassmotherfucking I like to sulk in my room and write poetry.

That last one was a lie.

As the wonderful Taylor Doyle explained, Chloe is SUPPOSED (She cheats. Oops, the jig is up) to be absent of technological luxuries this week.

So she left it up to Taylor and I to pick up the slack. Here goes something:

You may have heard in the news recently that many celebrities are 'digitally dead' to support AIDS awareness and raise money for those struggling with the disease. I thought it was cool that this tied in with Chloe being technologyless and it'd be a great topic for my big debut. While the million dollar goal for celebrities has already been reached there are still many people that need help.

Here's a quote from the Keep a Child alive website:

"There is a profound difference between living and life. Living may extend time for another day. But life is far more than sleeping and waking. Life is more than merely existing. And, although it would be easier, life cannot be bought in a pill."

At the end of 2009 an estimated 2.3 million CHILDREN in Africa
were living with AIDS. That's more than the entire population in Houston,

If you'd like you can donate at If you'd like to read more on the subject visit And in case you're curious you can find AIDS statistics here.

I promise Chloe will be back soon and you'll no longer have to read my 'serious topic' posts.

And props to Alex for editing Chloe's face into the Where's Waldo puzzle.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This is a blog post.

Hi, my name is Taylor and I am one half of the infamous Team TD in the Fluff War.

You're dearest Chloe cannot use technology this week because she likes free food. Basically, if she goes this week without technology her Journalism teacher will buy her breakfast and give her extra credit. I bet she cheats.

Chloe and I are best friends and I record her videos of me and my mom dancing at 1 AM. If you watch when I run out I hit my door.... It hurt.

That's all I've got to say Folks!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who's Ready For Christmas?


Yeah, that excited.

Is it me or does Christmas have a distinct smell to it? Like, peppermints and thousands of smiles. It's really the only holiday that has it's own smell. If you know me then you would know that Christmas is awesome because of all the candy canes. These are the cause of my gross, black teeth. That and not flossing. Another reason Christmas is so great (besides tree, presents, santie, family time, and no school) is all of the great, and some times lame, Christmas movies.

You know...

If you haven't seen any of these movies then you're stupid and not important in this world...that sounded mean. I'M SORRY. IT'S NOT TRUE. But no, really, here's your chance to catch up on living a happy life. But annnnnnnnnnnnnyway, I'm sure you're all just dying to know what I want for Christmas so you all can just rush to the store and buy me something.

No? OK then. BUT if there is that one nice person that would like to do that for me then here's my wish list:

Is the unicorn too much?
In other news, my Foods class had to research about diabetes today. Here's what I learned:
  • Are you always tired?
  • Frequent urination?
  • Have you had sudden weight loss?
  • Do you have wounds that won't heal?
  • Are you always hungry and have blurry vision?
  • Do you have sexual problems?
  • Tingling in the hands or feet?
  • Are you always thirsty?
  • Do you have vaginal problems?

If so, then you might have diabetes.

I have five of these and they're not caused by diabetes. I don't get enough sleep because I'm too busy facebook stalking. I have blurry vision because I'm basically blind without contacts. I pick my scabs. I'm a teenager and therefore always HOOONGRY. And I have a problem once a month. So diabetes can go suck it for all I care.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pointless Title for a Nice Post

In 1621, Pilgrims and Indians gathered around a table to enjoy the very first Thanksgiving. The holiday really began as a feast to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest.

But who cares about that, because last night MALLORY AND I GOT YELLED AT.


Mallory and I have started this tradition where we go to Barnes & Noble every Wednesday and do our math homework, but we really sit and laugh at each other. But tonight was different. Kind of. See since today is Thanksgiving we got out of school early yesterday and had the opportunity to stay out late last night. So we go to Taco Bell (which we do every other day, literally) and since it's past ten we're forced to go through the drive-thru. Of course we get the slowest worker and neediest customer the world has ever seen and we're stuck behind this bitch for a good fifteen minutes. This causes us to think on our relationship and start screaming out all of our inside jokes so the world will know how funny we are. You know, "I HOPE YOU GET DIABETES!" and "SAM!" and "You shoes untied."

I'll admit we were being annoying and maybe we should've stopped after the car honked at us, but that didn't give the angry black woman in front of us THE RIGHT TO YELL AT US!! Really, who takes the time to stick their head out the window and yell at two kids. You want to know what she said? You REALLY want to know? Here you go:

"Hey, you guys need to shut the hell up!" *me shutting the hell up* "All I'm tryin' to do is get ma orda right and I can't do it with two little bitches screamin' all ova the place!" *me apologizing while trying to keep a straight face and Mallory basically on the floor laughing* "Yeah, you think your bad now, don't you? What you gonna do bitch? Scream again and Imma get up out this car and whoop yo ass!" *awkward silence and trying not to laugh* "Are you and your little friend gonna shut up now?" *giving angry black woman a thumbs up. awkward Taco Bell employee hands over food.*

REALLY? Really, angry black chick? You're gonna yell at two seventeen year old girls in a Taco Bell parking lot? How mature. There's a reason why me and my friend were laughing at you. BECAUSE YOU'RE FUCKING RIDICULOUS! I'll admit we were being stupid, but COME ON!

After they left we went back and apologized to the worker for being stupid and then as we're going home we laughed our asses off. It's one of those moments where you wished you had a time machine so you could go back and grow a pair and just yell at a bitch. We came up with all these things WE SHOULD'VE DONE.

1) Back talk the bitch.
2) Get out of the car and kicked her skinny ass.
3) Gotten her license plate number and called the police.
4) Play loud, annoying country music.
5) Get Carl to find out for us and go stalk her.

All of this could have happened if I wasn't taken off guard. I wasn't expecting to be yelled at last night at a Taco Bell by an angry black chick. I sure do hope you find this as funny as I do because I'm never going to forget this.

Mallory says that I need to start writing down all of our adventures and one day write a book about us. I might actually do it.

In other news, here's a fluff update:

As you know, Team MC made Taylor cry last time. We expected some big extravagant prank from Team TD. But do you know what we got? YOU WANT TO KNOW?!?! Taylor and I hang out every Sunday, so when we're hanging at my house I didn't expect Taylor to fluff me. Maybe I should've notice her bring in a hoodie in 60 degree weather. Whatever, I'm just not observant. But it's like a 11:00 and I'm getting ready to lie down and there's a box under my pillow. Turns out my own mom went over to the dark side to help out her precious Taylor. It was a lame prank and you know it, Team TD.

Now Mallory and I realized that we would have the fluff over Thanksgiving. Well if you've had fluff you would see the recipe for Fantasy Fudge on the jar. Now isn't that a wonderful thing to serve to your family on Thanksgiving? We spent Tuesday making fudge and eating Taco Bell and we left a note on the bottom of the pan saying, "You just enjoyed the sweet taste of fudge. While we enjoyed the sweet taste of victory. Bon appteite." And now get this, we get up early the next morning, drive over to Taylor's, park our car in a random driveway, AND HIDE OUT IN THE WOODS. Why, you ask? Because we need to wait for Taylor to leave. Well, we didn't expect for Taylor, her mom, and step dad to leave all at once.

Now what we do next is probably considered breaking the law, and it is, but maybe you shouldn't leave you doors unlocked. Mallory and I go in Taylor's house and put the fudge in the fridge.

Later, when I'm helping Taylor out after school for a wrestling tournament, her mom and Taylor spend the whole time wondering who put the fudge in the house. Apparently, I'm a good liar cause they never expected a thing. Team TD should remember next time that I'm an excellent baker and an excellent liar.

Now the Fluff War has gotten bigger over the last few weeks. There's a fan page!!/pages/The-Fluff-War/167116409986777

Team MC have big things coming. Don't worry.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and to all a good night.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I've Been Thinking About...

My maturity level lately. I mean for a seventeen year old junior in high school I'm pretty immature. But then I look around at everyone that's younger and I just want to slap them in the face for just being stupid. And then I turn around and act just as stupid. *sigh* Oh well....

In other news, I've done nothing important today. So this post is very pointless, but if you'd like to read about my sad day so far I've made a list:

1) I stayed up to midnight, losing precious sleep, to talk to Nicole. We made a break through with our relationship(?) and became Facebook friends. I love this girl so much that I even liked her fan page. Yeah, THAT MUCH. So, now we are blog, e-mail, and Facebook buddies. We also talked about me doing Greek gods in Barnes & Noble and about the possibility of us one day meeting and talking like gangsters. And just think, a month ago I was just a creepy stalker reading her blog.

Moving on...

2) I walked around my house with no pants on for about 2 hours and then finally got dressed to go play tennis with my mom where we taught a little boy how to play. Before we knew it we were teaching 2 other kids how to play. Bottom line, kids need more practice with the art of tennis.

3) I avoided homework and watched Tegan and Sara on Youtube and stalked all my friends on Facebook while trying to convince my mom to go see Harry Potter with me (it didn't work). After, I proceeded to play with the dinosaur Mal (that's what our math teacher calls Mallory) stole for me last night. We named him Frank.

4) I ate gross chinese food and watched Blind Side for the fourth billionth time.

5) Debated whether or not to reread Looking for Alaska...I am.
6) Realized how stupid and pointless this list is. It really shows how uneventful and not funny my day was.

7) I'm going to take a shower.
Buuuuuuuut, I have pictures to share:

That's Frank. You don't mess with Frank.

This is Carl. He's 36 and works as the night
manager at Taco Bell. He's the
And I can impersonate him very well apparently.

This is Taylor at our new Burger King. She was very excited.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

We Made Her Cry

Want a fluff update?

Not much has happened since I last reported, but we did do something worth remembering.


So, Team MC enlisted the help of Mrs. Trogdon (I have no idea what her job is), but she was totally game for participating in the Fluff War. During 2nd period she called Taylor down to the office and made her sit in her office while she went out and called the SRO officer down. He came in and handed her tissues saying "You're gonna need these." I wasn't there, but I'm sure Taylor freaked. So Trogdon starts yelling at her about how she's hazing and how she can go to court and then the best thing happens....SHE CRIES. CRY. CRY BABY. CRY, BABY, CRY. FUCKING CRIES.

She comes back to class still shaking with the fluff and everyone knows she just got owned! When I went to lunch everyone congratulated me. IT WAS AWESOME. Some people thought it was mean that I made my best friend cry. But this is a WAR. And you do what ever you have to do in a war.

Team MC is back in the game.

Mallory and I have spent the last few days talking about nothing but fluff. WE HAVE IDEAS.

By the way, Team TD is now Taylor and our friend Savannah. She's cool, but she picked the wrong team to be on.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Just One Big Circle

This is completely out of nowhere and probably the most serious I'll ever get with you, but I've been thinking.

I'm living in a giant circle.

Not literally (though...). I mean an imaginary circle where things are just expected of me. My friend and I were talking a few days ago about our futures and what we wanted out of our lives and we got into the topic of kids. We're 17 and way too young to have this conversation, but this is what we do. Anyway, she didn't want kids at all and has no desire to ever have one, which I found completely weird. I guess I just assumed everyone wanted kids and wanted to have these families and then this chick comes in and throws me off balance. I thought, "OK, I can accept this. Some people just don't like kids.", but then she starts telling me these things that are completely different than what I was raised to believe.

And then it hits me.

I'm living a tradition life.

You know that kind where you go to college, get married, and have kids all in that order kind of life. If you still don't understand what I'm trying to explain then let me draw you a picture...

I feel as if I was raised to believe that I HAD to go to college and I had to pay attention in school to get good grades. That when I got older I assumed I HAD to get married and have kids. And now I realize it's so tradition and boring and when I have my own kids I know they're going to repeat the same cycle. Do I really want that? Am I really that afraid that if I don't go to college I'll get a crappy job and live a crappy life? Yes, I am. And every other thing that's in the cycle falls into place. I know I want to travel. I know I want to see the world and see great, unexpected things, but where does that fall into the circle? That one little line that says "Travel"? I want to live in my car and work crappy jobs just so I can move to the next town. I want my only responsibility to be is me. I don't want to worry about school, and grades, and other people that I'm supposed to be around. Following this circle is not going to get me that.

Don't get me wrong, I want kids and want to get married. All the circle is going to get me is a comfortable life. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's just it might not be all that I want.

Did I explain this well enough or did I just ramble for the hell of it?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Look

The old layout was stupid. So Miss Mallory painted me an awesome sign. It's all thanks to Nicole because we want my blog to be cooler than her's.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just a Bunch of Randoms

I really have nothing much to say today other than a few little things. So I'm just going to give you a list of things going on in my life right now.

1) I gave blood today! It was my first time and I thought I would pass out when really I sat there and watched the blood come out of my arm and then I ate cookies. I just saved 3 people's lives today.
2) My new obsession is the song Closing Time by Semisonic. You're probably asking, "Why is she listening to a song that came out in 1998?" Yes I looked up the year. But here's why. There's a new movie called 'Friends With Benefits' coming out in July with Justin Timberlake in it and HE SINGS FUCKING CLOSING TIME. And it's beautiful. And most of the movie is about sex, so it's right up my alley. I. Am. Not. A. Whore.
3) Nicole, here's your video. I suck with cameras and filmed it wrong. No judging would be appreciated. Just turn your head sideways or flip the computer on its side. I also got this:

Be jealous.

4) And now it's time for the grand finale: FLUFF STUFF!

As you all know, Mallory and I are in a war with our friend, Taylor. No, I will not tell you the entire story AGAIN. Seriously, I'm getting tired of it, so quit asking. But I will update you on what's happened in the last few days.

So we last left off with Taylor making a scavenger hunt for Mallory in the school. Well Team MC got stressed out from school and took a week long hiatus from the war (rules are if you don't return the fluff within 7 days you're out). Well once our week was almost up, me and Mallory looked at each other and was 'SHIT' we got to get to work. So we took John (the stuffed elephant that was buckled up in my backseat and went with me everywhere) and cut him open, stuffed the fluff inside and safety pinned him back together.
Poor John, always abused. I then went over to Taylor's house while she was at band practice and tucked John into her bed. Another week goes by and this morning I walk into my journalism class with a CAKE sitting on my desk. A CAKE. CHOCOLATE. My teacher insists on taking a picture of this for the newspaper (I actually did work and wrote an article about the war, don't worry you'll see it soon) and then let me dish out pieces of cake to the class. After digging the jar out of the cake I see that on the bottom Miss Taylor wrote "Do something worth remembering."

Don't worry, we will.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Want An Uber Mix

Hey, hey, hey Blogger Buddies.

Or just Blogger Buddy. Since I'm pretty sure the only person reading these are Nicole. Maybe? Maybe not? Whatever. If so then this is like texting over the internet for us, right? Or I guess you could call that email. Or blogging.

Anyway, I'm eating Ramen noodles and I have to be at school in like 9 hours. I'll probably sleep in cause I can't hear my Pokemon alarm and I hate journalism and my mom is going out of town tonight . I'm just rambling. Lets get to the point of this post.

I want an uber mix CD. Anyone want to help?

All I have so far is:
Scar - Missy Higgins
Sweeter Than This - Katie Herzig
Crazy for This Girl - Evan & Jaron
January Wedding - The Avett Brothers
Winter Winds - Mumford and Sons
Temporary Blues - The Features
Uncomfortably Numb - Butch Walker

I need 12 more songs! They've got to be good. Like great good. I'm feeling a Tyler Hilton song needs to be in there, but I say that about every mix I make.


Saturday, November 6, 2010


So in case you don't read this thing and didn't bother to even look at my last post, let me fill you in...


Got it? Good.

Now I've already said this one billion times, but I fell in love. I WANT TO MARRY TYLER HILTON. I would probably be a stalker if I lived in Los Angeles and had money for night vision goggles. But my blog buddy (who I like to mention often to my friends) filled me in on this dude Josiah Leming was opening for him and when I saw this blond headed dude I fell in love. Like this was the dude I would cheat on Tyler with, but then feel bad and go back to Tyler and go through marriage counseling with because I just love him so much. But anyway, my best friend Taylor loved him and just wanted to run over and tackle him right there. Dion Roy also played a few songs, and we had a nice conversation after about how baller we were to be at a concert on a Wednesday night when we had to go to school the next day.

BUT DUDE IT'S TYLER HILTON. And no one is as great as him.

"Meet Tyler Hilton" was the first thing I ever wrote down when I started my Life List and now I'm happy to say that I can finally cross it off.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's Just a Little Obsession

I seem to be posting a lot lately. That's OK, because this one is actually important. Why you ask? BECAUSE I'M GOING TO SEE TYLER HILTON TONIGHT!

Oh...still don't know him? Then lets get serious and I'll explain this wonderful man to you.

Tyler Hilton is one of the greatest artist you'll ever hear. And you've most likely never heard of him. You'll probably never hear him on the radio or see his albums in stores. He'll never be A-list famous or be the star in an Oscar winning movie. And what's great is that he's perfectly fine with that.

If you watch One Tree Hill you might remember Tyler as Chris Keller. This is where I first saw him and since then I've been in love. He went from Tree Hill to playing Elvis in Walk the Line and the punk in Charlie Bartlett all while coming out with an amazing album. If you still can't recognize him, he was in Taylor Swift's Teardrops on my Guitar video. Since then he's taken a break from acting and is getting ready to release his new album, The Storms We Share, coming out sometime this fall. To say that I'm ecstatic would be an understatement. I can't explain how much I love this dude. I should just stop here and let you figure out why this guy is so great to me, but I feel like I need to defend him and fully explain it to you.

His voice is raw and when you see him perform you can tell that he loves what he's doing. He takes time to get know his fans and he just seems like a nice guy. He's pop music and he's not afraid to admit it. His songs are about real and inspiring and heartbreaking things all in the same song. There's nothing fake about him. When he's on stage it's just him and his guitar as he sings his heart out to hundreds of fans. There's no great story to how he got to where he is today. He was just a seventeen year old kid that had his fifteen minutes on a radio show.

He covers Bob Dylan's Boots of Spanish Leather and usually I would say no one can cover a Dylan song as good as the original, but when I heard Tyler's version I thought it was honestly better. I saw more emotion in it and passion. His cover of Tom Petty's Won't Back Down isn't bad either.

I'm only trying to spread the love. Here are some other covers and his own songs:

Missing You
You'll Ask For Me
Sunset Blvd.
When It Comes

At the risk of sounding like a total psycho, Tyler Hilton is fantastic. Here's a guy with real passion and talent for his music. He'll never get the recognition he deserves and that's just really sad.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Continuing Post of The Bucket List

Seriously, I hate calling this a Bucket List. Can someone come up with something

OK, lets continue with my never-ending list.

Meet Tyler Hilton - Oh, never heard of him? Well go to YouTube and LOVE HIM. I want to marry him.

Spend the night in a Wal-Mart - Can you get kicked out for sleeping in Wal-Mart?

Crowd Surf - Cause I'm a rockstar.

Read Atlas Shrugged - This book is over 1000 pages. Every time I try to read it I get to chapter 3 and give up.

Go to Italy and find the most perfect Italian Sub - In case you never read that summary thing beside my picture...I love Italian subs.

Win the Fluff War - We're Team MC. We're destined to win.

Quit a job for no reason - This would require me actually getting a job.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Phil and Kyle

Mallory made me tell her a story one time.

It was 5AM.

I was half-asleep while telling it.

Here's how it goes:

There once was a giraffe named Phil. He was the tallest animal throughout the jungle. His friends name was Kyle. He was an elephant. He was also pretty tall in the jungle. One day, Phil and Kyle were walking the jungle when they come across a huge waterfall. Phil looks at Kyle and says, "Kyle, I bet you I can jump off this cliff and into the water and live."

Kyle looks at Phil and goes, "Nuh uh!"

"Yes uh! I'll prove it!" So Phil take a few steps back to get a running start and starts running towards the edge of the cliff. Kyle watches as his friend falls closer and closer to the water screaming, "No! Phil!!!!!!" When Phil hits the water, Kyle starts running down the water to see if his friend is alright. When he got there he saw Phil walking out of the bushes up to Kyle. "Phil, are you alright?" Kyle asks huffing and puffing.

"I'm fine, Kyle." Phil says. Kyle takes a good look at his friend and wonders why his fur is all dry...

"Wait, a minute....your not Phil." Kyle says.

"What are you talking about? Of course I am, bitch!"

"Look dude I don't know who the fuck you are, but where is Phil?!"

Then the bushes start to move and Kyle looks up to see a soaking wet Phil walk out. "Phil!" Kyle yells. "I thought you were dead." He then looks to the other giraffe. "Who the fuck is this?"

"Oh, that's my brother, Bill."

"Oh, Philll."


It was much funnier when I was half-asleep.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

1, 2, 3, 4...I Declare a Fluff War

Who would've thought that Marshmellow Cream Fluff could make my whole high school experience?

OK, So it starts with my friend Mallory (you guys know her as TheWall). She brought the fluff to school for our friend Taylor (FloatingAway), but Taylor didn't want it so Mallory gave it to her friend. He leaves it outside the Foods room, which Taylor just so happens to be in at the time and so she gets the Fluff back.

Taylor then gives it to her brother to put in Mallory's bag. Mallory puts it in her seat in band. Taylor calls Mallory out of class and our friend Austin throws it at her. This is where I join in. Mallory and I dug the broken jar of Fluff out of the trash can and stick it in a Ziploc bag before putting it in Taylor's mailbox.

Thinking we're awesome, we've officially declared war. Next day at school, I walk into my 2nd period class to have my teacher give me a present (seriously wrapped up like a present and all). Well...It's the Fluff. After class me and Mallory take it to the office to get Taylor called down, but that plan fails when no one wants to play along. So we go and buy a new jar of Fluff (shatterproof I might add) and give it to Taylor's Civics teacher to give to her. He does, with a cute note to go along with it. So Taylor decides to write me and Mallory nice notes saying "Good luck" and sticks them on our cars with the jar of Fluff. We go over to her house and hide it under her bed.

It's not over.

I was on a field trip today and we had a half day. That didn't stop Taylor. She made a scavenger hunt for Mallory. IN THE SCHOOL. The chick's a badass.

So now we have the Fluff again. Mallory and I are Team MC and Taylor is Team TD. We need to make shirts. This war is getting intense too. People are getting involved and we've accused some people of being spies.

But don't worry Team MC has a few tricks up their sleeves and we'll retaliate soon.

I'll keep you posted.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


It's Saturday and I'm sitting here drinking juice out of the carton. I should get up.

But anyways...anybody ever heard of a man by the name of James Lafferty? If you haven't you're dead to me. My friend over at TheWall has and she's in love. We both are. He's on One Tree Hill and can play basketball like it's nobody's business. If you don't watch this show...get on it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Secret of Life...There is None.

Here's what I've taken from my short 17 years here in the world...

We spend 6 years in elementary school getting ready for middle school.

3 years in middle school preparing for high school.

Then we spend 4 years in high school.

We take the PSAT's to prepare us for the SAT's.

The SAT's help get us into college.

We go to college to figure what we're supposed to do with the rest of our lives. That's 22 years of our lives already GONE.

After college we're expected to find a job, marry, have kids, and have our kids repeat the same cycle.

Can I ask where living our lives pressure free is supposed to come in?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Just a Few Things I Gotta Do

I hate calling this a bucket list and if you think about it it's kind of corny. But that's what it is. I won't list everything because that would take forever to type. So I'll give just a few.

Take a kickass roadtrip - I've been trying to plan this thing since I was 15. FIFTEEN. But I really want to get out of this small town and see what else is out there. I'm not expecting it to change me, but to give me more options to what I want my life to be like.

Crash a wedding - Yes, like the movie. Minus the whole waking up tied to a bed to find a crazy chick on top of me.

Live in the wilderness - If you knew me you'd know why this is ironic.

Go to Disney World - I'm one of the few kids that STILL hasn't gone to Disney World. I feel so deprived.

Drive a racecar - Because I just have a need for speed.

Dine and Dash - I mention this everytime I go out to eat with someone. NO ONE WILL DO IT WITH ME.

I'll give more later, but for right now that's all I got.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let's Introduce Ourselves

I guess I should introduce myself...

The name's Chloe. Like in Clo-ee. Don't mess it up. Well this is my first blog and I have no fuckin' clue on how to do this stuff. I'll try to post something weekly, because unlike those people over at DailyBooth and Facebook I actually have a life. But...yeah.

I'm just your average almost 17 year old kid. I live in a town no one's ever heard of and go to a high school that's supposedly the shit. Junior in high school. Not old enough to graduate, not young enough to be my true crazy self. I like red and you'll probably never see me wear a white shirt (just because I don't have one I like). Don't hate on my music and I won't hate on yours. I read books, like good books, not that suicidal crap all the teen books are about these days. I have a Google phone, which as much as I hate admit it is never out of my sight. You may not believe this, but my mom's my best friend.

What do I want to do with this blog?....
well I hope to give you a little insight to my world - you know, the one of a normal teenager. I'll give you some awesome music and tell what books are the shit. I'll try to give my opinion on the world and my place in it. You'll probably see me pick five different careers for myself in the next few months and you'll most likely have to read my rants about how stupid people are.

But I'm a pretty awesome kid, so maybe you'll just might enjoy.